New Developments in the World of Nokia Phones: What’s Next for HMD and Their Upcoming Devices?


  • HMD, the company behind Nokia phones, is facing tough times and will start making phones under its own brand.
  • New Nokia models have appeared on the IMEI website, sparking speculation about upcoming releases.
  • Despite confusion, HMD phones are also listed, hinting at potential new devices beyond the Nokia brand.

Remember those Nokia phones everyone used to have? Well, things have changed. The company, HMD, that brought Nokia back into the game with new smartphones and feature phones, is facing some tough times. They’ve announced that they’re going to start making phones under their own brand name, ditching the Nokia name.

New Phones on the Horizon

But hold on! It seems like there might still be some Nokia phones coming. Recently, a bunch of new Nokia models popped up on a website called IMEI. This has got people wondering if there are more Nokia phones on the way. Rumor has it that we might even see some of these new models at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) happening soon in Barcelona.

What’s the Deal with HMD and Nokia?

Back in 2016, Nokia and HMD signed a deal for 10 years. That means they agreed to work together until 2026. Since then, HMD has been selling phones under the Nokia brand. And now, with these new models popping up, it looks like they’re gearing up to keep that agreement going.

To add to the confusion, not only Nokia phones but also some new HMD phones have shown up on the IMEI website. Nobody’s really sure what’s going on with these HMD phones. One of them even has a mysterious codename: N159V.

What to Expect from the New Phones?

So, what can we expect from these new phones? Well, reports say that one of the HMD phones might come in a sleek black color with two cameras on the back and an LED flash. And get this, there’s talk of a super-powerful 108MP main camera with fancy stuff like Optical Image Stabilization (OIS).

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